Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter and Coca-cola

We were suposed to, in groups of five (wich, in our case, was composed by me, Denise, Júlia, Hélen and Giuliano), present something that related Easter to Coca-cola...
 It could be some kind of new product, advertisement... It was up to us to decide.

This is what we've done:

. There was no much time to do it, so it would be better, but I like it anyway...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"my Brand"

I was asked to do a "brand" that would represent my self, after someone else's opinion and impressions of me. Since I was described as a "dreamer, kind of inocent, someone who hadn't yet lost that magic that almolst everyone looses once they get older..." and, as I am usually described, "a weird person, kind of crazy..."
Well... crazy , weird, "dreamer" (especially dreamer),  and howling wolves are very much alike!
AND since I am, at least by name, a wolf, so that the blogs whole theme is after all a howling wolf...

Theeen... that's what I came up with...

This is the first style: BASIC
And again, "La Loba" would mean the wolf -or, better, the female wolf -, in spanish... (it sounds better then "A Loba", wich is portuguese, for this porpouse)

 Second Style: COLLORS
I painted with aquarella pencils - I'm kind of knew in that, but already love it...

Each style can be used in diferent circunstances, so I chose them both!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The "Bread with Egg" video

This is the video we freshmans of the Design course in the 
UFSC university, have made for the "freshman's games"... 
(The veterans made this competition between the freshmans, 
and one of the things we had to do were a video with 
a bread with egg recipy...)
Me and Denise, another freshmanhave edited this one... 
Well, as silly as it might be... with this video - and another one, 
and other stuff everyone have made, like drawing the veterans... 

...WE WON!!!!

Some older drawings...

Here I present to you some of the drawings I did so far... Each one of them represent a character of my own creation, wich you will know more intimately as soon as I publicate the books I'm writing! I wont name them for you cause I am too jealouss of them, sorry!

January 2007

April 2007

October 2008

January 2008

January 2010

October 2009

November 2009

 Some day in 2009... o_o

January 2007 

February 2011

                 This is the drawing i've made especially for this blog...

Later I'll put one of my full body dragons... *-* love to draw them... but it takes a loooong time...