Saturday, June 11, 2011

Creating a Character... English Version

The idea was to create a character who would have to be based in ourselves, and would also need to have some kind of power... Then, we had to creat his/her background story, the context in which he/she lives. 

So, thinking about it, I've created "Shura"

PS: There will be 2 versions of this post, one in english (this one) and another in portuguese, so anyone can read it... ^^ 


The universe is not just one. There are infinites of them, independent but connected, each one following their own rules. And there are creatures that live for these universes. They create them, help them to develop themselves, to grow, until they are able to self-sustain and evolve infinitely.  Once it exists, a Universe can’t be erased, since one can’t erase an idea. But it can be forgotten, and that by itself would be worse than erasement. It would be obliteration, where not even the idea, the memory, is left of that that has left existence. And it is so that nothing of what has once been created – or that no one witch existence started between the limits of that universe – can ever be forgotten, that those creatures dedicate themselves for.
They are the Sky Cats.
Those “cats” live in levels between the universes, not having a definite size, so that they could be larger than an entire universe, or to fit in the smallest of them…  However, they can take shape inside their creations and even look by the eyes of their tiny doubles, the cats as we know them in this specific universe.

Many Sky cats spend their time maintaining or manipulating universes that already exists, but some of them still love to create new worlds and to watch them giving their first steps, evolving towards the infinite.

There was one of this Sky Cats witch, interacting with the beings of un universe that he had created, became known by millions of tiny voices inside more than one universe. After all, universes are connected, and what is reality in one may be only known as fiction, or never even pass through the world of ideas, in another.
That cat was Cheshire.


Shura is a descendent of Cheshire, his granddaughter, to be more exact, and she is a sky cat creator of universes as her grandfather. She has, thought, a small, tiny… weirdness… Which makes her somehow different… She is three. Shura has 3 distinct personalities. 

First, we have Shura, whose hair is light blue with suns scattered by her body, as in a sunny day.
 Cheerful, extroverted, extremely talkative, she loves to discover the new, to meet others and new ideas, and to be around them. She almost doesn’t stop moving, and is always smiling, or laughing in an anything but discrete, or feminine way.

And we have the Other” Shura, which is of a darker (a bit) blue, as the sky that has just come to night, but has still light. Over her body there are moons and stars. 
This is a personality that prefers to stay alone, by herself, appreciating the fluxe of ideas and senses of the worlds. Although she is more silent and closed regarding other cats around her, it is in this moment that she creates her universes at most. It’s like if, in her moments of Other Shura, the cat only lived for them, and the rest simply was not important.

At last, we have the “Mamba” Shura, her evil side. She is almost entirely black, with blue lightings crossing over here and there. The lightings are in the same blue as the hottest of flames, clasping in silent thunders of pure energy. 

 As any of the late two Shuras get irritated, their body starts to get covered with clouds, so that one can presume her state of mind according to the number of clouds that cover her suns or moons. When the clouds get condensed passed the point where any moon, star or sun is even visible, forming layers so dark and dense that they become black, Mamba Shura arises.
That is not usual to happen, thought. It is hard to get to this point, since both the other Shuras are very cool-headed. There are, however, some “triggers”, that awaken Mamba almost instantly, such as tickling her feet or armpits.
The biggest problem of Mamba Shura is that she doesn’t control her impulses, destroying whoever gets in her way in a practically indiscriminate way. (She creates lightings –that are also blue, as the flames that burn after they crash - which come from instantaneous universes).
Mamba Shura does not forgive.
The only thing she absolutely would not ever attack indiscriminately are the universes ore the beings inside them. Those, her instincts continue to protect.

About the three of them…

The state of the universes around them is influenced and fed by her feelings in that instant, so that a universe particularly more destructive would gain power when she is angry – especially if it is Mamba Shura, when anger meets burst of fury – just like universes that have other essences feed in other kinds of feelings, such as joy, melancholy, sadness, satisfaction, bitterness, etc.

Another detail to add is that, since when she is asleep there is no dominant personality, her hairs contain only stars scattered around.

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